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13. M. Altenburger, F. Mann. Bibliographie zu Gregor von Nyssa. Leiden,
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20. H. Cherniss. The platonism of Gregory of Nyssa. Berkeley. 1930.
21. J. Danielou. Platonisme et theologie mystique. (Doctrine spirituelle
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Jaeger (Leiden, 1960). For a list of Gregory's works in the critical
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38. M. Parmentier. St. Gregory of Nyssa’s Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
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39. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Graeca. Ed. J.-P. Migne . 1857-66.
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40. The Stromata, The Anti-Nicene Fathers (AN), (Washington, D.C., 1975
41. A. Wifstrand. The new edition of Gregory of Nyssa’s Commentary on
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