1. Рейсбрук
Удивительный “Одеяние духовного брака” Изд-во “Мусагет”, 1910 г.
2. D. Joannis Rusbrochii opera omnia, Colone, 1552, 1555, 1609, 1692.
3. The Spiritual espousals, tr. E. Colledge, New York, 1963.
4. The seven Steps of the Ladder of Spiritual Love, tr. F. S. Taylor,
London, 1944.
5. Ruybroeck. Euvres de Ruybroeck l'Admirable. , Bruxelles-Paris, Vromant,
6 vol., 1915, 1917, 1920, 1928, 1930, 1938.
6. Ruysbroeck, Jan. The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage, The Sparkling
Stone, The Book of Supreme Truth. Trans.
7. W. de Wreese. Jean de Ruysbroeck, “Biographie nationale de Belgique”,
1908-1910. t.XX col. 507-591.
8. Dolezich G. Die Mystik Jan van Ruusbroeck Leven, Werken. Malines-
Amsterdam, 1931.
9. Kuckhoff. Iohannes von Ruybroeck der Wunderbare. Munchen, 1938.
10. A. Wautier d’Aygalliers. Ruysbroeck l’admirable. Paris, 1923.
11. Numero special consacre a Ruybroeck, dans Ons gestelijk Efr, t.VI
(1932), n 3 et 4.Brigue L. Ruybroeck. art.dans le Dict. de theol. cath.,
t.XIV, col.408-420.
12. Ampe, “La theologie mistique de l’ascension de l’ame selon le Bx.
Jean de Ruusbroec” в Revue d’ascetique et de mystique, Vol. 36, 1960,
pp. 188-201, 273-302.
13. C.A. Wynschenk Dom, from the Flemish. Introd. and Notes, Evelyn
Underhill. London: Dent, 1916.
14. The Book of the Twelve Beguines. Trans. John Francis [Evelyn Underhill],
from the Flemish. London: John M. Watkins, 1913.
15. Flowers of a Mystic Garden. Trans. C.E.S. from the French of Ernest
Hello. London: John M. Watkins, 1912.
16. The Kingdom of the Lovers of God. Trans. T. Arnold Hyde, from the
Latin of Laurence Surius. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1919.
17. Reflections from the Mirror of a Mystic. Trans. Earle Baillie, from
the French of Ernest Hello. London: Thomas Baker, 1905.
18. The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works. Trans. James A. Wiseman,
Preface, Louis Dupr?. New York: Paulist Press, 1985.