Roger Bacon
Роджер Бэкон
( 1214 - 1294 гг. )



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12. Charles.  Roger Bacon. Sa vie, ses Ouvrages, sa doctrine. Bordeux, 1861.
13. Crowley. The problem of the Soul in His Philosophical Commentaries. Louvain-Dublin,1950.
14. Easton. Roger Bacon and his search for a universal sciense. A reconsidiration og the life and work Roger Bacon. New York, 1952.
15. Francowska- Terlecka Margorzata. Scientia w uieciu Rogera Bacona.Warzsawa, 1968.
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20. T Crowley, Roger Bacon: The problem of the soul in his philosophical commentaries (Louvain-Dublin, 1950).
21. .David C Lindberg, Roger Bacon's Philosophy of Nature: A Critical Edition (1983).
22. J H Bridges, The life and work of Roger Bacon : an introduction to the Opus majus (London, 1914).
23. S C Easton, Roger Bacon and his search for a universal science : a reconsideration of the life and work of Roger
24. Bacon in the light of his own stated purposes (Oxford, 1952).
25. H L L Busard, Ein mittelalterlicher Euklid-Kommentar, der Roger Bacon zugeschrieben werden kann, Arch. Internat. Hist. Sci. 24 (95) (1974), 199-218.
26. D C Lindberg, On the applicability of mathematics to nature : Roger Bacon and his predecessors, British J. Hist. Sci. 15 (49) (1982), 3-25.
27. D C Lindberg, Science as handmaiden : Roger Bacon and the patristic tradition, Isis 78 (294) (1987), 518-536.
28. D C Lindberg, Roger Bacon and the origins of perspectiva in the West, in Mathematics and its applications to science and natural philosophy in the Middle Ages (Cambridge-New York, 1987), 249-268.
29. G Molland, Roger Bacon's 'Geometria speculativa', in Vestigia mathematica (Amsterdam, 1993), 265-303.
30. J M M H Thijssen, Roger Bacon (1214-1292/1297) : a neglected source in the medieval continuum debate, Arch. Internat. Hist. Sci. 34 (112) (1984), 25-34.

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