St. Patrick
Св. Патрик
(387 - 493 гг.)



C. Thomas. Britain and Ireland in Early Christian Times. P. 87.
Бл. Феодорит Кирский. История боголюбцев. М.: Паломник, 1996, - с. 268.
Fr. Andrew Phillips. Orthodox Christianity and the English Tradition. Norfolk, 1995. - P. 254.
Andrew Phillips. Rome, Canterbury and Constantinople: The Beginning and the End of the Old English Church. Paris, 1988.
Shepard, Jonathan. "The English and Byzantium: a Study in their role in the Byzantine Army in the later eleventh century"// Traditio 29, 1973. – P. 53-92
Nicol D.M., "Byzantium and England" // Balkan Studies 15, 1974. - P. 179-203
Vasiliev A. A. "The Anglo-Saxon Immigration to Byzantium" // Seminarium Kondakovianum IX. Prague, 1937.
Janin.La Geographic Ecclesiastique de I'Empire Byzantine, Vol. 3. Paris, 1969. Fr. A. Phillips. Rome, Canterbury and Constantinople, ibid. - P. 23.
Shepard, Jonathan. Another New England? - Anglo-Saxon Settlement on the Black Sea // Byzantine Studies l,i. Pittsburg, 1974. - P. 18-39.

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