Античное христианство
Patrologia Latina Database: Principal Authors
The Fathers of the Church
Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean A Guide to Online Resources
Patristic and Reformation Commentaries on Galatians
Rare Books and Special Collections Homepage
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
The Romulus Project
Roman Archives
The University of Virginia Electronic Text Library
Labyrinth:A World Wide Web Server for Mediev al Studies
The Bible Gateway
The Classics Page Ad Fontes Academy
The Latin Library
Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi
Latin Tutor on-Line
Медиевистика и патрология
Internet Medieval Sourcebook Medieval and Early Renaissance Literature Archive
Internet Classics Archive Classical Literature Archive
Electronic Text Center E-Text Archive (At University of Virginia)
Online Medieval and Classical Library (Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE)
IRHT: Institute de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes